NVLife is designed to reduce hypertonicity and improve posture. Structure dictates function; by improving a person’s structure, their function and health are dramatically improved. NVLife can also help alleviate pain and other consequences associated with symptoms of aging and disease.
NV minerals
Bath & Drinking
Purifying water helps reduce contaminants and increase your water’s ability to hydrate and detoxify cells.
Joint Mobility Airbells & Kettlebells
NVFit increases strength, mobility, balance and endurance. It’s a full-body workout that can be done anywhere at any time with just five feet of space and twenty minutes.
NVT rebalances the autonomic nervous system, improves circulation and calms the body. It’s a precise, manual therapy, designed to reduce sustained muscular contraction and scar formation. NVT improves posture, reducing external pressure on the joints, the neurovascular system, and internal organs.